Thursday, August 12, 2010 the dark thide

I rolled up Rachel's blanket and said, "Rachie...take this up to your bed, please."


She walked to the stairs, then came back.

"It'th dark up there.  I'm not going to the dark thide."

Best laugh I've had all week.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

Hello, blogging friends and family!  We're home today after a restful, fun, family-filled, 10 day vacation in North Dakota.  My trusty camera was my constant companion...I logged in around 1800 pictures.  I endured plenty of good natured teasing about my incessant click-click-click.

"Do you ever take just ONE picture?"

"Nope!  My rule is.....NEVER take just one."

And in the age of digital photography, I can take as many as I want without worrying about the cost of film and developing.

Besides...if I only took one, would I have ever been lucky enough to capture these?

I have so much to tell you all and so many more pictures to share....I promise I'll be back this week with a post about our vacation.

In the meantime...remember this:

Never take just one.